Thursday, October 10, 2013

You & I

You, are a hidden pearl.
Yet, you possess nothing.
not even your beauty,
not even your light...

Like the moon
you shine
reflecting the beauty
of Another.

Possession or being,
an illusion.
We do not even own ourselves...
how then, can we have each other?

Once achieved,
Goals have no pleasure.
become emply.

Would it be different,
had you ended up with me?
would your heart be the same?
Or mine?

to have a desire for?
Is anything
worth it atall?

I desire what is too high
You desire what is too low.
We desire for what we do not have,
Only to loose what we have.

Trickery of our minds,
that plays with our hearts.
We are all liars,
Such beautiful liars.

Do I make sense?
Do I make any sense atall?

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