Sunday, December 22, 2013

What do I know of Love.... Recital.

I talk of Love.
He says, “what do you know of Love?”
It’s insanity,
It’s Pain,
How it cuts through your soul?
How it burns through your existence.

What do I know of Love...
in my heart,
Then, silence.

I have seen a glimpse of love,
And have witnessed it’s insanity.
Why do I cry? Oh God, Why…?

He speaks of your Love.
But the love of your creation alone,
has driven me,
to madness.
What do I know, of your Love...

There it goes,
Taxiing down the runway.
And here, I stand,
with my pieces all around me.
my drunken heart,
my numb senses.

What are these at my feet?
Shattered glass?
I must try to put them back together,
From where should I start?
Where should I start?

The lonely bench,
in the morning fog.
The weeping flowers.
My wailing heart.

Why do they all cry?
Do they also know,
of love?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jinns who pretend to be scholarly Pure Spirits!

A Modern Day Jinn Experience 
(Jinn pretending to be historical Scholars!) - Ahmad Izzudin al Bayanuni.

This experiment took place with the author Ahmad Izzudin al-Bayanuni. He mentioned it in his book Kitab al-Iman bi-l Mala’ika. I eagerly decided to quote the complete text of what he write:

The people of the East and the West have preccupied themselves with the claim of making the spirits appear. There have been many articles written about it, written in different languages, published in Arabic as well as non-Arabic magazines. Books have been written about it. Much research has been done lately on this topic. Many experiments have been performed. After all of that, the intelligent people have concluded that the raising of the spirits is nothing but falsehood and forgery, a call to disbelief and wickedness. What they claim to be the appearing of the spirits of people who have passed away is nothing but fakery and forgery. The spirits that appear are nothing but devils that are playing with and duping humans. In reality, there is no one who is capable of making the spirits appear. After the spirit leaves the body it goes to reside in the realm called al-Barzakh which is the interval between this worldly life and the life of the hereafter. Therein the person is either in bounties or punishment. They are preoccupied there with a great affair which would prevent them from appearing before the humans. 
I [al-Bayanuni] was called to such an act of these spiritualists. And I experienced my own lengthy experience. This experience made it clear to me that it is nothing but falsehood, forgery and deception. It is just the playing of the devils. They present that to the people to mislead them and to deceive them and to make humans follow them. The beginning of the experience I had known for more than ten years of a person who claimed that he was using the jinn to do good deeds in the service of mankind. And that was done through a person who was a medium. He claimed that he achieved that through recitations and lengthy invocations which took up a great deal of time. He was instructed in thorough incantations by someone who claimed he was knowledgeable in that area. The medium came to me one day telling me that so and so of the
jinn had called for me to discuss something important and there was a great matter in store for me.
I to the appointment, trusting in Allah and very happy about it, in order to learn new information through this experience.

How did the deception begin?
The first deceiving step that they took with me, in the process of bringing forth the spirits, was to have me ask Allah for forgiveness, glorify him and other acts of dhikr [remembrance] This would make a person believe,at first glance, that he is meeting with spirits who are pure, holy and truthful.
I entered the house of the medium and we were alone together in a room. The medium sat on the bed. And we began sanctifying Allah, obviously under his guidance with asking forgiveness and Allah- until he became like in a trance and I laid him down on his bed. I covered him with a covering in the way I was told to do. Then in a low voice, his companion greeted me. His knowing me and his like for me were obvious. He introduced me to himself. He claimed to be a created being. He was not from the angels or the jinn but was of another creation, a different species. He came into being by Allah’s saying, “Be” and he was.
The person of the voice claimed that the jinn only appeared through his command. And that between him and receiving the command from Allah there was only four intermediaries, with the Angel Gabriel being the fifth. He began to praise me. He said that they will cut off any meetings they have with other humans and they shall only meet with me. Because, they claimed, I was a special person of this age. And this was a special sanction from Allah and it was Allah who had chosen me for that. And they made me a glittering promise full of amazing things.
I accepted this new experience and false call with trust in Allah and asking Allah to protect me from error and to guide me to the clear truth, enlightened by the light of knowledge and following the path of steadfastness and praising Allah. 
At the end of the first meeting, he promised me a second meeting. Then the person himself instructed me to make some special incantations to awake the medium from his absence. That was done. And the medium was sitting. His eyes opened as if he had been wakened from a deep sleep and did not know what had transpired. 
I went back for the second appointment also. Then we had many meetings, one after another, for a long time. During every meeting, they renewed their good promise to me and described a great future for me and the great blessings that the nation would receive at my hands.
The situation develops:
The situation developed further. Many “spirits” came to visit me in every meeting. Some with invocations being made before the meeting while others without it. While eating or drinking tea with the medium, the medium would fall asleep with his head down at the promised time. 
And the “spirits” would appear, some claiming to be angels or from the jinn or companions of the Prophet or saints. They would always speak with reverence and respect. They would invoke blessings for my visit and point to a blessed future. Then they would leave and others would come.

Who were those Visitors?
I was visited by beings that claimed to be angels, jinn, Abu Huraira, scholars, “saints”, such as Abu al-Hasan al-Shaadhili, well known and accepted scholars, such as al-Shaikh Ahmad al-Tirmaaneeni, and some scholars that I had met before and had known of their deaths, including my father (may Allah have mercy on him). They gave me glad tidings of my father’s visit at a specific time.
I looked forward to this meeting with anxiety. When it was time for the meeting, they requested me to read surah al- Waqiah aloud. read it. When I finished reciting it, they said, “Your father will appear after a few moments. Listen to what he says and do not ask him about anything.”

The beginning of my vigilance
After a few minutes, there came someone who claimed to be my father. He greeted me. He showed his happiness for meeting me. he was happy with me for meeting those spirits. He advised me to assist the medium and his family and to take care of them in the best way as he had no other means of making money except through this way. 
He ended his speech with “the prayers on the Prophet Abraham”. And I knew that my father was passionately fond of saying the prayers upon the Prophet (peace be on him), especially in “the prayer of Abraham”. The most amazing thing was that his accent was exactly the same as my father’s. He said and left. Then I began to ask myself, “Why did they advise me not to ask him about anything. For a secret reason no doubt. The secret reason became clear to me at that moment. It was not my father. It was his “partner” from the jinn, the one who accompanied him throughout his life. He came to me in the form of my father and imitated his most particular characteristics.
They advised me not to ask him about anything because the “partner” from the jinn, no matter to what extent he knows and remembers about my father, he is not able to remember every detail that a son knows about his father. They feared that if I asked him something of that nature, he would not be able to respond and the matter would become clear. With others, 1 would meet them and not know who they were until they were about to leave and then they would say, “I am so and so,” greet me and leave immediately.
There was also a secret reason for that: If any of them would tell me who they were, and he was well-known for being knowledgeable, I could discuss a topic with him and he would not be able to respond. Again, the matter would then be uncovered. 
One time someone came and debated with me saying that the face of the woman is not aurah [or from the private parts that must be covered] and need not be covered. I refuted him and he responded to me with a response that had no aspect of knowledge in it. The argument became heated between us, I said to him, “How do you respond to those jurists who say that the face of the woman is aurah and she must cover out of fear of [temptation and sin]?” The argument ended without any benefit. Then he told me that he was Shaikh al-Tarmaaneeni and he left. It became clear to me that he was undoubtedly a liar because Shaikh al-Tarmaaneeni was a leading scholar and the leaders of the Shafi school say that all of the woman is aurah, even if she is an aged, gray-haired woman. If he really was the shaikh he said he was and he had discovered some new knowledge in the world of barzakh [life in the grave]’ he would have informed me about it and shown me its evidence. But it was all a lie and deception. Its intention was misguidance. And Allah- and all praises are due to refused except to guide me and confirm me on the truth and guidance. A woman uncovering her face, especially in times like these with moral laxity and a sick society, is something no knowledgeable or religious person would agree to.
The reality becomes uncovered
The reality of the situation became more and more uncovered meeting after meeting and experience after experience. Finallv. I was certain that all of it were lies and forgeries. It had no in righteousness and no standing in religion.Even the medium, who I was advised generously, was known not to pray and he was not steadfast in his prayers. His beard was shaven and no one ordered to help and treat ordered to perform him to let it grow.
Certainly, he devours the wealth of the people through falsehood and deceiving promises. There is no source of income for him except through that evil means.
A man came to me after he heard that I had some relation with that medium and complained to me about his deception. He took 300 Syrian from him and the man was a poor person who was very much in need of that money. I insisted that the medium return the money to him. He did so, in his and his devils’ hope that I would continue to meet with them.
The medium and his family base most of their entire lives on lying. Those spirits, after everything became clear to me, tried to threaten me. But that did not shake my heart whatsoever. And all praises are to Allah. I used to record what they used to say to me. These recordings filled two large files. I recorded most of what they said to me. When it became unquestionably clear to me that it was all fake, without any other way to explain it, I made my final judgment about them and burned the two files that were filled with lies and forgeries. Those spirits who claimed to be Companions of the Prophet, saints and pious people were all devils. No intelligent believer should be deceived by them. All of the ways that are taken to make the spirits appear are nothing but lies and falsehood. It does not matter if it is through a or medium, as in the experience I had, or through a table or tea cup, that some people have experienced and mentioned to me. All of them end in the same result that I reached. 
A wonderful thing is that I have seen other people write on this topic and the conclusion of the intelligent people who experienced these things is the same conclusion I arrived at. They concluded that those spirits are nothing but the “partners” of humans from among the jinn, as Allah had guided me to. And all praise is to Allah.
I have fulfilled, by these words, the obligation of advising others. And Allah is the Guide to the Straight Path.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Essence Within

How can I be,
When I am not,
And yet I am?

Listen to the wind,
As she sings.
She knows and submits,
and the rocks too,
know the song of my heart.

are my subjects,
like the seas,
and what swims within.

Whose praises do they sing?
do you not see?
In me, lie the secrets of the universe,
In me , is the essence of the truth.

I am, and I am not.
So hear me and understand.
I am you,
and you are I

The moon,
the stars
the sand too.

The journey, the path,
the destination.
All are one.
And the traveler too.

How then will you rise,
Until you erase your self, or let it die?
To fall, is to rise.
If only you would understand.

Accept your ignorance,
Accept your nothingness.
Submit like the winds and witness
how the spiral of knowledge elevates the heart.

Be at peace, my soul!
Running away is the same
as running towards.
There is no escape.
To Him is the return.

(23 June 2006)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Secrets of the Heart

It's the story of your heart,
young friend.
It's the journey of your heart,
my friend.

Transcend above
what you can see,
Not with your eyes
but with your heart, my friend.

What is visible
is of no consequence,
The Hidden
is of the essence, my friend.

Purity of the heart
gateway to the truth...
Silence is the key....
All shall be revealed...

Strip yourself,
off yourself.
See your heart,
unveil, my friend.

He loves you....
that's why you are here!
He loves you...
so why despair!

"So strange are your views,"
I said.
"I wish to write them down,
my friend."

Its written on your heart,
he said.
The story of your heart,
my friend.

The truth shines through you heart,
my friend.
The secrets of your heart,
my friend.

(1 Oct 2004, In the heart of Africa)

You & I

You, are a hidden pearl.
Yet, you possess nothing.
not even your beauty,
not even your light...

Like the moon
you shine
reflecting the beauty
of Another.

Possession or being,
an illusion.
We do not even own ourselves...
how then, can we have each other?

Once achieved,
Goals have no pleasure.
become emply.

Would it be different,
had you ended up with me?
would your heart be the same?
Or mine?

to have a desire for?
Is anything
worth it atall?

I desire what is too high
You desire what is too low.
We desire for what we do not have,
Only to loose what we have.

Trickery of our minds,
that plays with our hearts.
We are all liars,
Such beautiful liars.

Do I make sense?
Do I make any sense atall?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

They are all my Teachers

The moon,
the stars and sand.
they are all my teachers ....
and the dancing lights on the water too.

And her
Whose face was not her face
But a glimpse of the Divine
And mine was dust.

Her smile brought the dust to life
And now
There are colors
The blues and the reds

And the dust is no more
But fragrance
Which floats in love
And looses itself in colors.

The Reds,
The Blues,
The Yellows,
and Greens
They are all my teachers,
And you too...

What do I know of Love....

I talk of Love.
He says, “what do you know of Love?”
It’s insanity,
It’s Pain,
How it cuts through your soul?
How it burns..

What do I know of Love...
in my heart,
Then, silence.

I have seen a glimpse of love,
And have witnessed it’s insanity.
Why do I cry? Oh God, Why…?

He speaks of your Love.
But the love of your creation alone,
has driven me,
to madness.
What do I know, of your Love...

There it goes,
Taxiing down the runway.
And here, I stand,
with my pieces all around me.
my drunken heart,
my numb senses.

What are these at my feet?
Shattered glass?
I must try to put them back together,
From where should I start?
Where should I start?

The lonely bench,
in the morning fog.
The weeping flowers.
My wailing heart.

Why do they all cry?
Do they also know,
of love?

(4 Jan 05)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Oceans of Love

They ask me how I am?
Intoxication! Insanity!
What is this?
What else can I be in Love.

“Ah the pleasure of knowing too much”
They say.
Or escape from shackles of illusions?
One or the other... I do not know.

There is no falling in Love with me, He said.
In my love, you can only rise.
Little did I know of love,
An infinite ocean divine.

Now in this sea,
I have drowned my self, and died.
Only love remains.

Leave me alone,
illusory world.
I love this insanity too much,
To smile, to cry, too much.
~ Zeeshan Shahid Khan

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Number 786 has been used by most SUFIs and Pirs in Indo-PaK subcontinent while making TAWEEZES or writing NUSKHAS. Most maulvis justify the use of the figure 786 as a replacement of "BISMILLAH IR RAHMAN IR RAHIM" and use this number before writing ayats or nuskhas for people to recite.

In reality, number 786 comes from numerological break down of Arabic alphabets in the system of HISAB e ABJAD. Each Arabic alphabet has been given a numerical value..... Alif is One... Baa is Two... Jeem is three... and so on. However, what most people do not know is that this system of numeroligical identification has been taken from the books of KABALA (Google it guys) which is linked to the spiritual aspects of Jewesh beliefs. KABALA was not originally the part of Judaism but was included in Jewesh belief when one of the exiled Jewish tribes eventually settled in Babylon (now in modern day Iraq) where Black Magic was revealed through Angels Harut and Marut as a TEST for people during the time of Prophet Suleiman (King Solomon) as indicated in Quran - سورة البقرة , Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #102. 

As indicated above, addition of numeralogical values of alphabets of BISMILLAH IR RAHMAN IR RAHIM (using HISAB E ABJAD) is equallent to 786. However, the number of 786 is also equal net of may other things.... like people's names... or name of a certain Devi in India. Now its getting interesting... right? Here is how it has ended up in Pakistan:-

By the time Islam arrived in India, the original teaching / interpretation of VEDAS (the most authentic mother book of Hindu Religion) had been corrupted by the Demon's and Jins to an extent that Idol worshiping had been introduced in Hinduism;(same was started in Buddhism - Alexander the Great being the one to order the first statue of Buddha to be constructed 300 years after Buddha's death). Jins and Shayateen presented themselves at the service of Priest of various Mandirs to do their bidding as long as they misguided people and deceived them and make them worship Idols instead of the ONE TRUE GOD. Satan achieved his aim of ensuring that MAN starts worshiping IDOLs to get in to good graces of God indirectly (via Idols). Whereas Allah wanted man to ask His Grace directly as the Quran states إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ "Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek" (Quran, سورة الفاتحة Chapter #1, Verse # 5) 

Today, the number 786 is in reality linked to a Jin / Demon / Shaitan who is one of the higher mnisters of Satan / Iblis in their command structures and resides in a state in India (Further details to follow inshallah). The effect of writing 786 before any thing is that whatever is written under it is automatically subjugated to that Jin / Demon / Devil. 

Ever wonder why most fake Pirs and Maulvis write the complete Surah of the Quran in Arabic but never write Bismillah on top? They prefer writing 786 instead which makes the one wearing the Tawiz under the effect of that Demon Jin! This has come down from magicians in India where actual Pooja of Devils in the form of Devis and Devtas is done even today. Kali Maa is actually a MALE JIN who works as a direct subordinate of Iblis. At the moment, this Jin and the devils who work to promote number 786 are functioning to corrupt the true Islamic faith by making ill informed Muslims do SHIRK (making others partners to Allah Almighty) and increase the disbelievers in their disbelief.

Furthermore, if you open a Taweez, you will most likely find 786 written on top followed by certain Ayats of the Quran. In most cases these verses will be incorrect with additional words added to them. This is the DECEPTION. Names of certain Demons may also be found within the Ayats.

These Jins / Demons are REAL like humans. They are shrewd, cunning, powerful and knowledgeable and have only one agenda. To turn those who worship Allah into MUSHRIKEEN (those who worship others besides Allah) or turn them into Atheists altogether. 

No wonder God says that seek refuge from Allah against Satan even before reciting the Quran.

~ Spread the Truth